Sunday, June 1, 2008

When you bake Daisies you get Brownies

Twist me, turn me, show me the elf...I looked into the water and saw MYSELF!
Clara getting her Brownie pin and a kiss from Mama!

Clara's Daisy troop Bridged to Brownies last Thursday night. I am very proud of my new Brownie. She was beaming with pride herself--full of joy and a desire to live a "Girl Scout Life". The sheer innocence in a child is amazing. She is on a mission to be the "best girl scout she can be!" (And she told us that much during our celebratory dinner at Fudruckers!) She does not judge, she does not gossip and she accepts everyone in her life for who and what they are. Lessons that many adults could learn from a 6 year old girl. I'm proud of you Clara!!!

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