Friday, June 27, 2008

Alamo at dusk

I'm in San Antonio for some continuing education. It's a great conference and my boss and I are all excited about the stuff we are learning and how it can help our clients. The other night I took the opportunity to walk around the Alamo and snap a couple of shots. Tomorrow afternoon I plan on going to the other missions around here and take some more pictures.

I hadn't been to the Alamo in years, but the second I saw the mission it took me back to my first trip with my grandparents when I was a young girl. It was a hot summer day and we ate snow cones while sitting on the wall outside the front of the Alamo. I was slightly disappointed because I thought it would be larger ;). Ironically I was speaking with a gentleman from Scotland who also thought the Alamo would be larger.

Monday, June 23, 2008

A girl's gotta have her girls!

I'm lucky to have some of the best girl friends in the world. We played around in the studio after dinner the other night and got this shot...
I love my girlfriends. My girls laugh with me, cry with me. We bake food for each other when someone is sick, had an operation, lost a loved one. We watch each other's dogs. We watch each other's kids. We rate the boyfriends in our lives...we listen about the blossoming relationships. We help sew the "voodoo dolls" of our exs and plot schemes of what we will do if we ever see him again. We vent about our husbands, our jobs, our co-workers. We laugh until we snort. We drink too much wine. We pray for each other. We worry about the choices we all make. We are girlfriends---which are just the sisters that God forgot to give us. I love you ladies!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

All I want for Summer is My 2 Front Teeth!

Poor thing...wonder how she will eat her sandwich tomorrow?!! She's officially toothless.

When you bake Daisies you get Brownies

Twist me, turn me, show me the elf...I looked into the water and saw MYSELF!
Clara getting her Brownie pin and a kiss from Mama!

Clara's Daisy troop Bridged to Brownies last Thursday night. I am very proud of my new Brownie. She was beaming with pride herself--full of joy and a desire to live a "Girl Scout Life". The sheer innocence in a child is amazing. She is on a mission to be the "best girl scout she can be!" (And she told us that much during our celebratory dinner at Fudruckers!) She does not judge, she does not gossip and she accepts everyone in her life for who and what they are. Lessons that many adults could learn from a 6 year old girl. I'm proud of you Clara!!!