Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bridging Brownies

I had the honor of shooting Brownie Troop 972's Bridging Ceremony on Friday evening. Bridging is when a Girl Scout is promoted to the next level. These girls will be starting the fourth grade. Their leader, Bobbi, asked me to shoot the event. It was a great time. The ceremony was held at Berry Springs Park in Georgetown. I absolutely love the park and plan on shooting there again.

Time to leave the Brownie Vests behind!

New Juniors!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

blue eyes x 2

these photos speak for themselves...

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spring time in Central Texas

You know it's spring time in Central Texas when you spend your evening in your "safe room" because of bad weather...Tonight I've been watching the weather non stop....however, when the hail reached penny sized, the lightening lit up my room, the lights flickered off and the rain was falling sideways I knew it was time to move the girls to the downstairs bathroom. After about 20 minutes the storm moved on and I was able to get the girls back to bed...Clara slept through it all. Emma was watching me on my laptop as I was watching radar. I am thankful that the weather has passed...hopefully my car won't be damaged from the hail.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Post Wedding Detox/Belated Mother's Day Post

It's been a wild ride over the last few days. We were in Houston for my cousin's wedding from Thursday through Sunday. The girls and I are totally whipped...even today. I feel like I am behind on all things I want to do. I did however get the wedding pictures edited and most of them uploaded to my website--(go check them out ) My liver has finally filtered out all of the wine I consumed over the weekend and I think I will survive :). I wanted to make a post on Mother's day but I am just now getting around to it!

She's not my mama but she fills in the blank....My Mimmie is my rock. She is the one person, besides my kids, that I talk to every day. She often knows my thoughts with out me saying a word. She has given me more advice than Dr. Phil ever could. My grandmother taught me how to cook, sew, do laundry, can pickles and tomatoes, make jelly and love all people. She's covered my butt with clothes, kissed my ouchies and written a check without me asking because she knew I needed some help. Mimmie took me to church and helped me learn to love the Lord. Mimmie always reminds me that I'm her heart...and in reality she is my heart too. We have shopped and laughed, cried and celebrated...and through it all she has been a wonderful example of what a wife, mother, grandmother and child of God should be like. Most people are blessed to know their grandparents throughout their childhood. I am blessed to know my grandmother as an adult.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sidewalk Science Lab

My child....she's so excited about little things. Tonight it was the bird egg they found on the sidewalk. It looks as though this little birdy met an untimely demise with a fall from a tree or with the neighborhood kitty. Well Emma took great delight in looking at the developing chick. She was thrilled that she could make out the little birdy eye and the yolk in the egg. I love to watch the wonder in her eyes as she discovers things in the world....even if it is a squished bird egg.

I guess that I was most tickled by Emma making me come back into the house and get my camera so I could take a picture of the bird guts so she could remember it...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Obsession--from Shutter Sisters

One could say that my obsession is photography in general. I go through these phases of taking pictures of certain things. Lately it was wildflowers since it seemed that every weekend had me outdoors with the girl scouts.

If I had to pick one obession right now I would say it's eyes. I love to photograph eyes. I am on a current mission to photograph 100 different people's eyes. I have a way to go...